ZEZ: Colin Stetson and Sarah Neufeld Duo (Montreal, CAN)
Drugi puta nam u goste dolazi jedan od najcjenjenijih saksofonista našeg vremena Colin Stetson. Čovjek koji studio i binu dijeli s najvećim imenima na glazbenoj sceni Bon Iverom, Feist, Tomom Waitsom i miljenicima domaće publike The Nationalom. Ovaj put s njim dolazi i violinistica Sarah Neufeld čija lista suradnika nimalo ne zaostaje za njenim partnerom: Arcade Fire, Belle Orchestra, The Luyas.
Colin i Sarah predstaviti će materijal koji će se naći na njihovom zajedničkom albumu Never Were the Way She Was koji će 28.4. izaći za Constellation Records (Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra, Tindersticks). Svi koji su bili na prvom Colinovom koncertu osjetili su magičnu atmosferu koja je nastala s prvim strujanjem zvuka kroz KSET i održala se do posljednjeg. Ne sumnjamo da će tako biti i ovaj put.
Karte za koncert možete nabaviti u pretpodaji u KSET-u i Dirty Old Shopu po cijeni od 90 kn, na ulazu karta će koštati 120 kn. Studenti uz predočenje važeće X-ice na ulazu kluba kartu mogu kupiti po cijeni od 70 kn, ove karte ne mogu se kupiti u pretprodaji. Ulaz se otvara u 20h.
Broj karata je ograničen.
Sa sobom je potrebno imati člansku iskaznicu KSET-a. Zelenu iskaznicu nabavite na ulazu (5kn) ili preko dana na šanku KSET-a (0 kn).
For the second time, our guest is one of the most appreciated contemporary saxophone players, Colin Stetson. The man who shared studio and stage with some of the biggest names on the music scene – Bon Iver, Feist, Tom Waits and local's favorites The National. This time he is accompanied by the violin player Sarah Neufeld. Her list of associates is no less impressive than that of her partner: Arcade Fire, Belle Orchestra, The Luyas. They will be presenting their first duo album Never were the way she was, scheduled for release eight days after the KSET concert on Constellation Records.
Presale tickets are available in KSET and Dirty Old Shop for 90 kn. Ticket price at the entrance on the day of the concert will be 120 kn. College students can buy the ticket for 70 kn at the entrance (not available in presale, valid student document ("X-ica") necessary).
Doors open at 8 p.m.
Number of tickets is limited.
Membership card is required to enter KSET. The card can be made for you on the entrance (5kn) or from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (free of charge).