Pješački rally: Trk po Krku [ Walking Rally: Race Around Krk ]

Planinarska sekcija te poziva na uzbudljivu avanturu "Trk po Krku"! Upoznaj ljepote otoka dok se natječeš u zabavnim igrama i izazovima.

Kad? 18.8.2024.

Gdje? Grad Krk (start u gradu, a možda završimo u prirodi)

Tko? Timovi od 4 do 10 osoba

Kotizacija: 1 € po osobi

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Na svakoj kontrolnoj točki tebe i tvoj tim čeka nova igra i set uputa za sljedeću destinaciju. Mjeri se vrijeme, a pobjednike čekaju diplome i slava! Ponesi sunčane naočale, kapu i puno vode – zaštiti se od sunca i spremi se za nezaboravan dan! 🌞

Minimalna dob za sudjelovanje je 15 godina. Fizička spremnost? Dovoljna za 2 sata hodanja (uz pauze, naravno).

Prijavi svoj tim putem forme.

The Hiking Section invites you to an exciting adventure, "Race Around Krk"! Discover the beauty of the island while competing in fun games and challenges.

When? August 18, 2024

Where? The town of Krk (starting in town, and we might finish in nature)

Who? Teams of 4 to 10 people

Registration Fee: €1 per person

At each checkpoint, you and your team will face a new game and receive instructions for the next destination. Time will be tracked, and the winners will earn certificates and glory! Bring sunglasses, a hat, and plenty of water – protect yourself from the sun and get ready for an unforgettable day! 🌞

The minimum age for participation is 15 years. Physical fitness? Enough for 2 hours of walking (with breaks, of course).

Register your team through the form.

kset na krku, radionica