Google Hash Code 2022.
Pripremi se na drugo ONLINE izdanje natjecanje Google Hash Code! Kao nastavak dugotrajne tradicije, Računarska sekcija KSET-a i ove godine otvara prvi zagrebački i prvi hrvatski Hub za sve lokalne natjecatelje!
Misliš li da možeš riješiti Googleov zadatak na optimalan način? Udruži se i riješi Googleov inženjerski problem u Hash Codeu!
Preuzmi ulogu Googleovog inženjera i suoči se sa sličnim problemima na Hash Code ( natjecanju – timskom natjecanju u programiranju za studente i mlade profesionalce (18+) diljem Europe, Bliskog istoka i Afrike. Odaberi svoj tim i programski jezik, a na natjecanju će te dočekati stvarni inženjerski problemi i zadaci.
Natjecanje je podijeljeno u tri dijela:
Probni krug
6.1.2022. 18:00 - 24.2.2022. 11:00
U ovoj rundi s timom možeš vježbati probni zadatak koji će vam dati uvid u sučelje gdje se predaje rješenje i kako natjecanje funkcionira. Upoznaj se s platformom i pripremi za online kvalifikacije!
Online kvalifikacije
24.2.2022., 18:30 – 22:30 sati
U ovoj rundi s timom možeš sudjelovati od kuće kao dio jednog od preko 154 Hash Code čvorova u 42 zemalja. KSET Hub je prvi čvor u Zagrebu i prvi u Hrvatskoj te smo za potrebe natjecanja napravili Discord server, a na tebi je da osiguraš brzu i neprekidnu vezu te ugodno radno okruženje. Prijavi se i odaberi KSET za svoj hub!
30.4.2022., 08:00 - 12:00 sati
Timovi s najvećim brojem bodova na natjecanju, bit će pozvani na virtualni finalni krug natjecanja.
Registracije su otvorene na
Prijavi se za sudjelovanje i čujemo se na KSET-ovom Discordu.
Get ready for the first ONLINE edition of Google Hash Code! As a long lasting tradition, KSET Computing section will this year again be the Hub for all of the Zagreb regional competitors.
Think you could optimize the layout of a Google data center? What about the assembly of a batch of smartphones? Team up to solve a Google engineering problem in Hash Code!
Step into the shoes of a Google engineer and tackle similar challenges during Hash Code (, a team-based programming competition for students and professionals (18+) across Europe, the Middle East and Africa organized by Google. You pick your team and programming language, we pick a real-life engineering problem to solve. Are you up for the challenge?
The competition is divided into two stages:
Practice Round
6th January 2022, 06 PM - 24th February 2022, 11 AM
In this round you can practice solving the test problem with your team which will give access to see the interface and you will get to familiarize yourself with the platform where you can submit your solutions. Use this chance to prepare yourself for the online qualification round!
Online Qualification Round
24th February 2022, 06:30 PM - 10:30 PM
For this round, your team can participate from wherever you’d like, including one of our Hash Code hubs. Hubs allow for teams in the same location (eg. city or university) to compete virtually side-by-side in a more fun and exciting environment.
Final Round
30th April 2022, 08:30 AM - 12 AM
Top scoring teams from the Online Qualification Round will be invited to Google Hangouts to compete in the Final Round of the competition.
Registration is now open at