Ben Caplan & The Casual Smokers
Ben Caplan & The Casual Smokers prvi put u Hrvatsku u sklopu izdavanja ploče odličnog i hvaljenog, drugog studijskog abuma “Bird with Broken Wings”! Ovaj koncert jedini je na turneji na ex-yu prostorima, a održat će se 11. listopada u zagrebačkom KSET-u.
*scroll down for English
Karizmatični šarmer i razbijač klavira, luđak i iskreni pijesnik, ljubitelj profinjenih akorada te slomljenih melodija! Ben Caplan jednostavno nadahnjuje i nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Ogromna duga brada i neposlušna kosa stvaraju vizualnu sliku kojoj je teško odoljeti dok snažan i grubi glas probija i kroz najpunije dvorane.
Neka vas vanjština ne zavara jer jednom kada dobije vašu pažnju Caplan će neočekivano unijeti ljepotu, šarm i nadahnuće u vaš život!
Otkako je snimio drugi studijski album, stekao je publiku diljem svjeta od Australije, preko Europe do cijele Sjeverne Amerike. Caplanove skladbe inspirirane su narodnom židovskom i ističnoeuropskom glazbom povezanom s njegovim soul-om što ga čini prilično unikatnim. Često mračan i na rubu pucanja, želi prikazati pravu osobnost svakog pojedinca. Na zadnjem albumu “Birds with Broken Wings” sudjelovalo je preko 30 glazbenika s preko 40 instrumenata pokušavajući spojiti antičke i moderne instrumente te kombinirati razne zvukove iz cijelog svijeta.
Album se našao na CBC Radio’s 50 Canadian Albums of 2015, dosegao je #1 mjesto na Earshot's National Folk/Roots/Blues ljestvici te je dospio u Baker & Taylor NPR Discover Songs library.
A charismatic charmer and a smasher of pianos. A madman and an earnest poet. A strummer of delicate chords and a lover of bent and broken melodies. Ben Caplan is not any one thing. As he releases his second album, he's already gained a following in more than a dozen countries from Australia to Europe and across North America. It's no surprise. Caplan is simply unforgettable; with his huge beard and unruly mane, he is as visually striking as he is aurally compelling. His rough and textured tones cut through crowded halls; an enormous voice, roaring louder than raucous crowds. The microphone looks almost superfluous. But looks are deceiving; once he has your attention, Caplan can croon smoother than a glass of single malt whisky, pouring beauty into a harsh world.
Inspired in part by Eastern European and Jewish folk traditions, Ben Caplan mixes older musical sensibilities with his own soul, straight from his hairy heart. Lyrically, you've not heard the like before. Often edgy and dark, Caplan holds a mirror up to show us our nasty bits, singing about the ugliness and showing us that this darkness is the root of the sublime. His latest album release, Birds with Broken Wings, explodes with sounds both ancient and modern, with more than 30 musicians and even more instruments, combining acoustic sounds from around the world. It was listed on CBC Radio's 50 Best Canadian Albums of 2015, reached #1 on Earshot's National Folk/Roots/Blues chart, and was accepted into the Baker & Taylor NPR Discover Songs library. It's all smoothly blended by the hottest international production team around. It's uncharted territory, and Caplan's leading the way.
Nova Scotia Music Awards (2012)
WON Entertainer of the Year
Nominated for Digital Artist of the Year
Nominated for New Artist of the Year
Nominated for Male Artist Recording of the Year—In the Time of the Great Remembering
Nominated for Recording of the Year—In the Time of the Great Remembering
Nominated for New Artist of the Year
Nominated for SOCAN Songwriter of the Year
Hamilton Music Awards (2013)
WON Roots Recording of The Year
East Coast Music Awards (2013)
WON Rising Star Recording of the Year
Nominated for Folk Recording of the Year
Nominated for Album of the Year
Nominated for Folk Recording of the Year
Nominated for Song of the Year
Nova Scotia Music Awards (2015)
Nominated for Entertainer of the Year
“For all the fierceness of the Canadian’s appearance, nothing quite prepares for his voice, both spoken and singing. An unmistakable presence.” Independent UK
“From Satanic hoedowns to swaying country heartbreakers, this evening with the larger-than-life Caplan makes for rollicking fun.” 4/5 –The Guardian
“...full of rousing choruses, eclectic instrumentation and dramatic and spooky lyricism. The songs are distant cousins to both Tom Waits and Gogol Bordello.” CBC Music
Down to the river | live
40 days & 40 nights
Under Control
Karte kreću u pretprodaju 12.9. na blagajni KSET-a. Earlybird cijena ulaznice iznositi će 50 kn i trajati će tjedan dana (12.9. – 18.9.). Nakon toga cijena karte će porasti na 65kn dok će na ulazu, ukoliko ih ostane, cijena biti 75 kn.
Earlybird: 50kn (12.9.—18.9.)
Presale: 65kn (19.9.-10.10.)
Gates: 75kn
Sa sobom je potrebno imati člansku iskaznicu KSET-a. Zelenu iskaznicu nabavite na ulazu (5 kuna) ili preko dana na šanku KSET-a (0 kuna).
In order to enter the Club, you have to have a green KSET membership card. You can get it at the door (5 kunas) or during the day at the bar (0 kuna).