J.C. Satàn (France) ~ AlterNation & BeatCity
Pred kakve dvije godine, dok smo ih čekali u Spunku, zapelo je šestero mladih satana na mađarskoj granici. Uglavnom, nakon zaobilaska, i davidove žrtve (digitalni rektalni pregled - zabavno carinicima, bome), došli su pred nešto malo strpljivih ljudi koji su ih uspjeli dočekati (kišna večer...) i odsvirali krasan koncert.
No, evo ih opet, dva albuma kasnije, u nešto drugačijoj postavi - ali Paula, Arthur i Alice su i dalje tu, sa staromodnim tetovažama (onako, sidro i jna stil) i sve.
Kako bi stučnjaci i pratitelji rekli: "JC Satan plays dark heavy prog/psych influenced garage rock.....noisy reverb drenched rockers mixed with jangly pop ballads.....", dok će Aquarius records napisati "Thick crunchy riffs, wild chaotic drumming, lots of jangle and soaring melody, the first half of the record fierce and frantic, the sort of thing that would have the crowd sweaty bouncing wildly, the sort of band that would be a perfect match for our own Oh Sees. But as the record progresses, the noise seems to abate bit, revealing the jangle pop underneath, with the sound slipping from old school Modest Mouse to quirky Blonde Redhead, but their own twisted and slightly noisy take on both."
Kako bilo, nepredvidljiva, a lijepa muzika - čuje svatko što poželi, već po tome s koje strane dolazi.
No, evo ih opet, dva albuma kasnije, u nešto drugačijoj postavi - ali Paula, Arthur i Alice su i dalje tu, sa staromodnim tetovažama (onako, sidro i jna stil) i sve.
Kako bi stučnjaci i pratitelji rekli: "JC Satan plays dark heavy prog/psych influenced garage rock.....noisy reverb drenched rockers mixed with jangly pop ballads.....", dok će Aquarius records napisati "Thick crunchy riffs, wild chaotic drumming, lots of jangle and soaring melody, the first half of the record fierce and frantic, the sort of thing that would have the crowd sweaty bouncing wildly, the sort of band that would be a perfect match for our own Oh Sees. But as the record progresses, the noise seems to abate bit, revealing the jangle pop underneath, with the sound slipping from old school Modest Mouse to quirky Blonde Redhead, but their own twisted and slightly noisy take on both."
Kako bilo, nepredvidljiva, a lijepa muzika - čuje svatko što poželi, već po tome s koje strane dolazi.
Pa, pratite li stalnu francusku garažnu invaziju na Spunk, ili volite novije zveckave zvuke s one i ove strane bare, ili pak indie ovakav ili onakav, navratite do KSET-a.
Ulaz se otvara u 20h, a cijena ulaznice je 20 kn.
Sa sobom je potrebno imati člansku iskaznicu KSET-a. Zelenu iskaznicu nabavite na ulazu (5kn) ili preko dana na šanku KSET-a (0 kn).