LOGH (S) TEXACO MOTOR OILS (HR) Logh za sobom imaju tri albuma, pet europskih turneja i sedam godina uspješnog djelovanja unutar scene uz koju je netko sredinom devedesetih zaljepio etiketu post-rock. Ova četvorka svira ambijentalnu rock glazbu na tragu jednih Codeine, Mogwai ili Sigur Ros, koja je začudo na nevjerojatan prijam naišla u Francuskoj gdje su Logh dosegnuli status pravih pravcatih undeground zvijezda. Ima li smisla pokušavati napraviti nešto novo unutar glazbe u kojoj je sve na prvi pogled već odavno rečeno, pitanje je koje i sami stalno sebi postavljamo, no čini se da Logh stvarno imaju još ponešto za reći, barem kad je taj nesretni post-rock u pitanju. Od upravo im objavljeno novog albuma puno se očekuje, no mi se prvenstveno nadamo da će se ovi momci dokazati uživo - uostalom zato smo ih pozvali. "Logh is truly a band rich in texture and ambience.... The music here covers the spectrum of twangy guitar, lightly brushed snares, and hushed vocals that can only be described as an ambient atmospheric display that must have been the soundtrack to God making the sunrise." All Music Guide "Although this style is being done to death, Sweden's Logh weld post-rock to pop perfectly, but add something new to the mix. Singer and sole writer Mattias Friberg proves himself quite the composer by adding more middle eights than choruses, letting weighty verses deliver the punchlines and keeping his motives obscured. Despite being on a prominently hardcore label, Logh set all phasers on lull with slow tempos and arpeggio guitars chiming away, but in "The Bones of Generations" and "City, I'm Sorry", they do switch gears and wake you up with some serious blast. Note to fans of the Weakerthans and Polvo: you must own this." Montreal Mirror "I'm left so full of emptiness after breathing in Logh that I have to remind myself that I exist. It really is that good." Ink19 Ulaznice po pretprodajnoj cijeni od 35kn možete kupiti u Dancing Bearu i KSET-u. Na ulazu će koštati 45kn. Ulaz se otvara u 20 sati, a koncert počinje u 21 i 30.